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Safety Management

As a company considering life of people the most important value, we drive safety-centered culture.

01 계획/02 실행 및 운영/ 03 점검 및 모니터링/04 경영검토


  • Policy and goal on safety and health
  • Management of risk and opportunity factor
  • Risk assessment
  • Regulation and other requirements
  • Safety · health management program

Execution and Operation

  • Organization and responsibility
  • Education and training on safety and health
  • Discussion and communication
  • Document and data management
  • Preparation for and response to emergency

Inspection and Monitoring

  • Measurement and monitoring of performance
  • Corrective action and prevention measure on nonconformity
  • Record, record management, and internal audit

Having played a pivotal role in the development of the Korean economy over half a century, Hyundai E&C, as a top global leading company to drive the following millennium years, pursues management value of placing the life of people as a top priority.

Hyundai E&C will achieve corporate social responsibilities and values ​​by minimizing workplace risks based on proactive safety and health management, and creating Clean Safety in all areas of construction life cycle including design, construction, and operation.

HDEC 12 Safety Golden Rules

사전위험성 관리 : 사전작업 허가제 준수/안전작업상태 확보: 안전시설 설치 및 보호고 착용, 밀폐공간 가스농도 측정, 작업 전 전기안전 검검실지, 화기작업 시 불티비산방지 조치실시/ 불안전행동차차단:지정된 이동통로통행, 인양물 하부 출입금지, 건설장비 안전창치 해제금지, 설치.해체구간 출입금지/기초질서확립:음주금지,지정장소 외 흡연금지, 현장 내 과속 및 작업중 휴대전화 사용금지

HloS :Hyundai IoT Safety System

Hyundai E&C has applied its platform-based safety management system of “Hyundai IoT Safety System (HIoS)” for the first time in the construction industry. HIoS sends information measured with various sensors to a scanner through Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). Then the information is analyzed to determine whether there is risk or not. As the platform which can be interconnected with various future unit technologies, HIoS provides customized safety management service depending on the conditions of individual construction sites.

사전위험성 관리 : 사전작업 허가제 준수/안전작업상태 확보: 안전시설 설치 및 보호고 착용, 밀폐공간 가스농도 측정, 작업 전 전기안전 검검실지, 화기작업 시 불티비산방지 조치실시/ 불안전행동차차단:지정된 이동통로통행, 인양물 하부 출입금지, 건설장비 안전창치 해제금지, 설치.해체구간 출입금지/기초질서확립:음주금지,지정장소 외 흡연금지, 현장 내 과속 및 작업중 휴대전화 사용금지


  • ISO 45001
    ISO 45001
    International safety and health management system
    Hyundai E&C originally acquired the international safety and health management system standard of OHSAS 18001 certification in January 2004 from the LRQA in the UK, and completed the transition to ISO45001 in 2019. Based on this, Hyundai E&C is establishing a system that evaluates and minimizes risks by identifying hazards that accompany corporate activities in advance.

    · Acquisition Date : 1 Jan 2025 · Expiration Date : 31 Dec 2027

    National safety and health management system
    In November 2004, Hyundai E&C obtained the KOSHA MS certification, a national safety and health management system standard. Based on this, Hyundai E&C is establishing a system that evaluates and minimizes risks by identifying hazards that accompany corporate activities in advance.

    · Acquisition Date : 22 Nov 2024 · Expiration Date : 21 Nov 2027