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The Corporate Governance & Communication Committee strives for protection of shareholders’ interest, and examines the transparency of internal transactions and ethical management.


  • The Committee must be comprised of three (3) or more Directors and two-thirds or more from outside directors.
  • Currently, the Committee is comprised of only four(4) outside directors to enhance independence and transparency, and appointed one(1) member as a representative in charge of the protection of shareholders' rights.
  • Hong Dae-Sik Chair
    Date of Appointment
    Professor of Law School at Sogang University
    Representative in charge of the protection of shareholders’ rights
  • Kim Jae-Jun Member
    Date of Appointment
    Professor of Architectural Engineering at Hanyang University
  • Cho Hye-Kyung Member
    Date of Appointment
    Professor of AI Application at Hansung University
  • Chung Moon-Ki Member
    Date of Appointment
    Professor of Business at Sungkyunkwan University

Appointment and Term of Committee Members

  • The Committee members are appointed by resolution of the B of D, and the term is the same as the director's.
  • The chair is appointed by resolution of the Committee, and currently outside director Hong Dae-Sik is in charge.


  • The Committee meeting is held every quarter, and special meetings can be held as often as needed.
  • The Committee can have advisor or advisory organization who have the expertise for the efficient performance of duties. (The operation details are determined by the Regulations of the Committee.)


The Committee deliberates and resolves following matters

  • The related party transaction provided in 『The Monopoly Regulation and Fair Trade Act』 and 『The Commercial Act』
  • Checkup of Compliance Program (CP) operation
  • Major policies related to the moral management and social contribution
  • Establishment & revision of ethical principles such as the Code of Ethics, and assessment of implementation
  • Choice of sustainable vision and strategic tasks
  • Protection of shareholders' rights
  • Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG), etc. non-financial elements
  • CSO(Chief Safety Officer) performance evaluation

Committee Activities

  • 1st 23 Jan 2024 Outside Director : 4/4
    Report on health and safety performance in the second half of 2023
  • 2nd 21 Feb 2024 Outside Director : 4/4
    Approval of financial transaction with financial affiliates by contract
    Approval of self-dealing by directors
    Establishment of transaction limit with affiliates
    Approval of ESG result of 2023 and advance plan for 2024
    Report on the operation and plan of CP
    Report on the operation and plan of ISO 37001
  • 3rd 19 Apr 2024 Outside Director : 4/4
    Approval of financial transaction with financial affiliates by contract
    Approval of transaction with affiliates