"You have to keep studying based on your major knowledge. English and Chinese skills are also useful for work."
by Manager Kim Jeong-hee (Procurement Quality Team)
Q. Please tell us about your job.
We are mainly engaged in securing the quality of purchases for tools and equipment used in plant and energy sites. In detail, we are involved in tasks related to purchase quality, such as relations with major clients, review of MR (Material Requisition)/TBE (Technical Bid Evaluation) on tools and equipment, attending and coordinating opinions on KOM (Kick-off Meeting)/PIM (Pre-Inspection Meeting), technical review and approval of vendor quality documents, due diligence of vendor factory quality, and review and approval of factory inspection reports.
Q When was the most rewarding moment during your work?
The most memorable moment was when a senior said something very heartwarming in a casual way. While working with a related department, we ran into several arguments. The other department wanted to get the job done quickly, but we wanted to get it right, even if it took a little more time to correct them. As a result, the boss of the other department came to our team’s senior and made a huge fuss. I felt like the senior was going through such a harsh situation because of me. When I hesitantly said that I'm sorry, the senior calmly said, "Why are you sorry? You didn't do anything wrong." I almost shed tears because it was so touching. This must be the feeling that moved the protagonist when he heard “my kid” from a senior in the TV series, “Incomplete Life.” (laughs)
Q What kind of competencies do you think you need to do your job?
The will to acquire the knowledge necessary for work and foreign language capacities are important. There are many things you need to know in order to do our team work properly, and there are so many new things to learn. This is the case with every business, but you can't work only with the knowledge you've already acquired because you have to do more than what you learned from textbooks at school. I thought I enjoyed learning, but there are so many things to study in order to perform work on tools and equipment quality. Because Quality Department needs to criticize many related departments and vendors, it is impossible to do our job without accurate understanding and basic knowledge. It is difficult to learn all the knowledge before joining the company, so the willingness to continue studying after joining is important. Foreign language skills are really useful for various reviews and meetings. Since we work with clients and vendors in many different countries in the Middle East, Asia, and Europe, in addition to Korea, being fluent in English is a given, and you'll definitely stand out if you're also great at Chinese.
Q Is there a corporate culture of Hyundai E&C that you are very proud of?
I'd say it's a company with a very human touch. There are so many different sites that the culture may be slightly different for each, and the atmosphere of teams at the headquarters is all unique. But, in the end, I like that it feels like a people-oriented place. What really makes life difficult is people, because the hardship from work will eventually pass. At Hyundai E&C, it is difficult to stay with only one team, so if you put up with that one person who is bothersome for a short period of time, they will be relocated faster than other companies. That's quite interesting.
Q Could you say a word to juniors who dream of working at Hyundai E&C?
Good job, I believe you've been working hard to read this article. You must have struggled to enter a good university, complete your major courses, take TOEIC, win various certificates, and more... you've been diligent. I'd be glad to see any of you here. However, since the number of recruits is always fewer than the applicants, it may be difficult to meet the majority of you, the readers, in person. That's why I want to convey warm words to everyone. Sometimes, it's the wrong train that takes you to your destination. Even if you wanted to join our company but end up going elsewhere, you will have a great life. Everyone lives their own lives, and they all seem to be well. Certainly, if you look into it, each person will have their own joys, angers, and sorrows, but in the end they all have great lives. It must be very difficult to prepare for a job, but I hope you don't forget that you will have a good life in the end.