[ Hyundai E&C has obtained ISO 19443 certification for its nuclear supply chain quality management system. Choi Young, Head of NewEnergy Business Division at Hyundai E&C (right), and Seo Jung-wook, CEO of TÜV SÜD Korea (left) ]
Hyundai E&C has once again demonstrated its global top-tier competitiveness in nuclear energy by becoming the first Korean builder to be internationally recognized for its safety and quality management capabilities across the entire nuclear power generation lifecycle. This is expected to accelerate its expansion into overseas nuclear energy markets, including Europe.
Hyundai E&C announced today that it has received the ISO 19443 certificate for its nuclear supply chain quality management system at the TÜV SÜD Korea office. The ceremony was attended by Mr. Choi Young, Head of Hyundai E&C's NewEnergy Division, and Mr. Seo Jung-wook, CEO of TÜV SÜD Korea.
ISO 19443 is an international standard for nuclear quality management, developed to enhance the safety and quality of the nuclear supply chain by applying principles specific to nuclear safety, based on the ISO 9001 quality management system. This certification, targeting companies in the ITNS* sector, has recently become a prerequisite condition for participating in nuclear projects in major European operating and client countries.
*Important to Nuclear Safety: Products, services, items, or activities that, in the event of a failure at a nuclear power plant, could expose people or the environment to excessive radiation.
Hyundai E&C has secured ISO 19443 certification from TÜV SÜD, a renowned German testing and certification organization, thanks to its robust quality assurance system, effective implementation practices, and high standards of practical application in the nuclear power plant sector. Notably, Hyundai E&C is the first and only Korean construction company to meet the certification requirements across all phases of the nuclear power plant lifecycle, including not only construction but also ▲ design and project management ▲ on-site services (installation/assembly, maintenance) ▲ commissioning ▲ decommissioning and dismantling.
TÜV SÜD, a global certification body with over 70 years of experience in implementing safety and quality standards across the nuclear industry from planning and design to construction, operation, and decommissioning has been designated as a accredited certification body for ISO 19443 by the French accreditation body Cofrac. By obtaining this certification through an official European accreditation body, Hyundai E&C is reported to have completed proactive preparations for entering the nuclear power plant market in European countries such as Bulgaria and the UK.
A Hyundai E&C representative stated, "Hyundai E&C is continuously strengthening its core competencies across the entire nuclear power industry, including large-scale nuclear power plants, small modular reactors, nuclear decommissioning, spent fuel management, and even hydrogen production using nuclear energy. With this certification, which proves our excellence in nuclear safety and quality management, we will further solidify our position as a Total Solution Provider in the global nuclear power market."